Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's All About The MAN

Today was Luke's last basketball game. The whole family including PaPa and Hunny (my Mom and Stan) pack it in every Friday and Saturday night. Today was the only early game 9:00 am. I'm telling you, the YMCA could use some work. Chaotic getting in, not enough seats, and just delapating! We played a team with fun Guy coaches, so the game was pretty physical. Right up Luke's alley. Being guarded is not his favorite thing, but he loves to guard and steal the ball- even from his own team. The skill level is from here to there. Luke holds his own, despite the fact that these are his first real games. Most parents are shouting "shoot-shoot-shoot". Not us, with Luke making almost all of the baskets and feeling bad for the other kids and parents, we are yelling " Pass Luke Pass" In the end, it was fun, wish I would have know girls could be on boys teams, I would have included Emily. That hour would have been doubly exciting!
The rest of the day included breakfast with Hunny, a trip to Barber Mike for Luke and a little shopping at Fairway Country Furnishings. I scored on a 50% off calendar. My first idea left me lost without my usual kitchen calendar. Only lost for 1/6 of the month. Not bad.

1 comment:

michele said...

I think it is soo cool that you have your mom and Stan right there for things like the kids basketball games and making valentine desserts! That's awesome! By the way, I did not get the necklace... so it must have gotten sent to you instead. love, M